Correspondence and grievance file, 1957-1970.


Correspondence and grievance file, 1957-1970.

Incoming letters are chiefly from suspended, demoted, or discharged state employees. Others are from private citizens, federal lawmakers, and the media concerning complaints about the civil service system. Civil Service Commission replies generally recommend that state employees go through their established agency grievance procedures. Other typical letters complain of racial discrimination; personal property confiscation by the state; and supervisors' refusals to let employees take accumulated vaction days. Included in the correspondence are exchanges with House members concerning budget bills; with civil service applicants; and with former employees appealing their cases or requesting their personnel files. Related material includes commission hearing or decision reviews; writs of mandamus filed against Department of Personnel director by discharged employees; employee statements about conduct of employees under review; State Industrial Commission arbitrator decisions; commission staff promotion methods drafts; appealed case legal briefs; court decisions; and "Staff Report Concerning the Reorganization in the Department of Registration and Education," which contains organizational charts and a department growth review.

2 cubic ft.


SNAC Resource ID: 7379376

Illinois State Archive

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